The Great Template Heist
Written by Eric Rasmussen on November 27, 2013.
Heist is a powerful templating engine written in Haskell, and commonly used in Snap web applications. But if you’ve only ever worked with programmable template engines or template attribute languages, the journey to Heist proficiency is one that would make Lewis Carroll proud1.
But first: what’s in a template?
A template’s journey: there and back again
My experience with server-side templates has been heavily influenced by popular python libraries like Mako, Jinja 2, and Chameleon.
The former two fall firmly into the programmable category, meaning you can use a specialized syntax in the templates to express programming logic along with your markup:
<!-- mako example: displaying a table of active users -->
% for user in users:
% if
% endif
% endfor
Which, if you’re both programmer and designer, works pretty well most of the time. However, some find this approach… distasteful. An alternative is a TAL (Template Attribute Language) like Chameleon, where you embed logic in tag attributes so you can still enforce proper markup:
<!-- chameleon example: displaying a table of active users -->
<tal:repeat="user users">
<tr tal:condition="">
This gives us cleaner markup, but the logic is still embedded in the template.
Zero control flow
Heist takes an even more extreme view: no control flow or logic in the templates. This may not be entirely accurate (it does have a couple of basic constructs built into the templating language, such as bind and apply), but compared to our other examples it’s a whole new world of template purity.
Our previous user example might look like this:
<!-- heist example: displaying a table of active users -->
We can now write plain old Haskell code to:
- filter the user list for active users
- map over the list to create user name and email splices
- run the user splices against the contents of
- bind the result to the
One helpful way of viewing interpreted Heist is that it’s not so much a templating engine as a library for manipulating templates.2 An API for taking a template apart node by node and putting it back together again, optionally splicing in dynamically generated elements or text. In fact, a Heist template is literally a list of nodes:
-- a Node is an element in a Document from the Text.XmlHtml library
type Template = [Node]
Here’s the supporting code to bring it all together:
-- binds a list of splices to <activeUsers> (assumes we pass in active users)
activeUsersSplices :: [User] -> Splices (SnapletISplice App)
activeUsersSplices users = "activeUsers" ## (bindUsers users)
-- maps over a list of users to create splices for each
bindUsers :: [User] -> SnapletISplice App
bindUsers = I.mapSplices $ I.runChildrenWith . userSplices
-- creates the <userName/> and <userEmail/> splices for an individual user
userSplices :: Monad n => User -> Splices (I.Splice n)
userSplices (User name email) = do
"userName" ## I.textSplice name
"userEmail" ## I.textSplice email
Navigating the Heist landscape
Once you embrace this view of Heist as functions for manipulating templates, the next task is learning the libraries. Here’s the high level breakdown:
Library | Use |
Heist.Interpreted | API for splices interpreted at runtime |
Heist.Compiled | a slightly more complicated API for (more efficient) compiled splices |
Heist.SpliceAPI | handy syntactic sugar for working with splices |
Snap.Snaplet.Heist | convenience functions for accessing Heist state in a Snap application |
Intermission: new paint for the bikeshed
Choosing a template engine is kind of like choosing a text editor: everyone’s sure their approach is best, and sooner or later you’ll be dragged into silly arguments.
With programmable template engines, people are often quick to mention how we need a clean separation of concerns to keep business logic from ruining our pristine templates, and won’t you think of all the poor designers out there who just want to work with valid markup.
They sometimes neglect to mention that for some teams, expressing logic in templates is a benefit (it can clarify intent, and may be preferred when programmers are solely responsible for integrating markup), or that designer preferences vary. I have worked with designers that only hand off static assets and require the developers to handle 100% of the integration, and I’ve worked with designers that take the time to learn enough of your chosen framework and templating system to work with it.3
The bottom line is we’re discussing matters of taste and preference, so there is no right answer. It depends on the context and how well it’s going to work for everyone involved on the project.
The Heist payoff
If your preference is designer friendly templating systems free of dangerous magic and unclean business logic, Heist is the go-to Haskell template library for you. But it’s not my own typical use case, and it’s not the grounds on which I’d recommend choosing it.
The payoff for me turned out to be much more subtle: you can write more Haskell. You don’t have to find a way to express what you want in a specialized template language. You can take full advantage of the language, its type system, GHCi, your tricked out text editor, etc.
This approach can require more code if you’re used to the convenience of programmable templates, but it also forces you to be more conscious about how you’re manipulating data and exposing it to templates. And at the end of the day, you’re writing Haskell: if you find yourself writing boilerplate, there’s probably an abstraction you can use to DRY it up.
Show me the code!
I have a bad habit of making my learning process public. In this case, I worked through some control flow basics in Heist (using interpreted splices), and wanted to share. You can view the snap-heist-examples repo to see standalone Snap handlers that demonstrate different ways to repeat or conditionally include text and templates.
Contributions or issues/ideas are very welcome.
1. In lieu of saying “down the rabbit hole” again, a phrase I repeat far too often. I expect I’ll continue to use more and more obscure variations on that theme. Steel yourselves.
2. It’s actually more powerful and subtle than that: you can use the library to implement your own domain-specific markup languages.
3. If you know of any actual studies on designer preferences, please send details to eric @ chromatic leaves dot com.