Integrating MailChimp with Pyramid
Written by Eric Rasmussen on July 11, 2013.
MailChimp is a full-featured email marketing service, complete with hosted forms for your users to subscribe or unsubscribe, nice import/export features for campaign statistics, and a whole lot more. But if you’ve chosen to build a website in Pyramid, chances are you’ll want the flexibility to:
- design your own subscribe/unsubscribe forms
- keep customer preferences/custom attributes in sync with MailChimp
- automatically gather campaign statistics for use in other reports
You can write Pyramid views to do any of these things in realtime, but MailChimp’s API is best suited to periodic batch updates, and in general it’s not a good idea to tie up your views with outgoing calls. All of the examples below use the PostMonkey library, and you can read more about it here.
To add PostMonkey to your Pyramid app, first include it in your install_requires:
setup(name='my app',
And run python develop
(using the python in your virtualenv, ideally) to install it.
PostMonkey in console_scripts
This section assumes you’re familiar with creating console scripts using pyramid.paster. If not, the Pyramid docs have a whole chapter on it: Command-Line Pyramid.
Before creating the script, let’s add your API key to your Pyramid configuration file, typically development.ini or production.ini. We’ll want to prefix it with “postmonkey.” so PostMonkey will recognize it:
postmonkey.apikey = my_api_key
Now let’s look at how you can load PostMonkey from the ini file in a Pyramid console script. This example shows how to batch subscribe new subscribers:
from pyramid.paster import bootstrap
from postmonkey import postmonkey_from_settings
from postmonkey import MailChimpException
def my_script():
# load a Pyramid environment from your configuration file
env = bootstrap('/path/to/my/development.ini')
# access the settings from the registry
settings = env['registry'].settings
# create a *PostMonkey* instance from your app settings
postmonkey = postmonkey_from_settings(**settings)
# we'll put all the new subscribers in this list
new_subscribers = []
# imaginary method to get user objects with the attributes we need
for subscriber in get_new_subscribers():
# each subscriber in the batch should be a dict with an 'EMAIL' key,
# along with any other MailChimp merge_vars like FNAME and LNAME
attributes = {'FNAME': subscriber.first_name,
'LNAME': subscriber.last_name,
'EMAIL': subscriber.email_address}
# attempt the batch subscribe and handle an exception
except MailChimpException, e:
print 'failed with MailChimp error: %s' % e.error
# cleanup
If you’ve followed along with the introductory Pyramid tutorials or general python best practices, you’ll install your application in a virtualenv. After creating your console script and running myvirtualenv/bin/python develop
on your application’s, your new script will be available as a standalone script in myvirtualenv/bin/. This makes it easy to run with cron or your favorite task scheduler.
Note also that you don’t need to manage the settings in your Pyramid config file. You could just as easily write:
from postmonkey import PostMonkey
postmonkey = PostMonkey(my_api_key)
But in most cases it’s much more convenient to manage the settings along with your other application settings. This is especially helpful when you take advantage of other available options, including the request timeout setting we’ll see next.
PostMonkey in views
Although it’s not recommended, there are certain cases where you may want to make calls to MailChimp inside a view, even if it means blocking the view response. In these cases, you should be sure to set a postmonkey.timeout
setting (in seconds) in your config:
postmonkey.apikey = my_api_key
postmonkey.timeout = 2
The timeout setting is passed directly to the Requests library to stop the request if the server takes too long to respond. Note, however, that this only covers the initial response from MailChimp; once they begin sending a response it won’t time out, even if they’re sending a lot of data that takes time to download.
We’ll setup this example by first adding an application-wide PostMonkey instance to the registry so it will be available to views:
# in your app startup
from postmonkey import postmonkey_from_settings
def main(config, **settings):
postmonkey = postmonkey_from_settings(**settings)
config.registry.postmonkey = postmonkey
You could also create the instance inside views only when you need it (the settings are always available in request.registry.settings
Here’s an example where we grab some basic campaign statistics:
from postmonkey import PostRequestError
@view_config(route_name='myview', renderer='mytemplate')
def myview(request):
postmonkey = request.registry.postmonkey
# will return a dict (see MailChimp's API docs for details)
stats = postmonkey.campaignAnalytics(cid=my_campaign_id)
return {'visits': stats['visits'], 'pages': stats['pages']}
except PostRequestError, e:
# e is the underlying exception from the Requests library
# in our case it is likely a timeout
return Response('Not so good!')
Additional resources
If you have any feature requests or suggestions for PostMonkey please open an issue and get in touch. You can also reach me (erasmas) in #pyramid on freenode.
This article was written for PostMonkey 1.0b and Pyramid 1.4. Please email eric at chromatic leaves dot com if you’re using newer versions and run into any issues.